Traditionally, Františkovy Lázně is a cardiology spa. Aside from the spa procedures, the successful treatment is also supported by the ideal setting of the town itself, which is rich in greenery and expansive, flat-terrain parks. Here, you will also find the so-called cardio trails marked by hearts, which contribute to the successful treatment results.In Františkovy Lázně, patients with both cardiac and vascular disorders are treated successfully. The Františkovy Lázně therapeutic treatment is suitable, for example, after cardiac arrest, after heart operations, i.e., heart bypass surgery or heart valve replacement surgery, but also for hypertension, ischemic heart disease, after operations of varicose veins, phlebothrombosis, or peripheral arterial disease in the lower extremities. The basic treatment for patients with cardiovascular disease is based on utilising the local natural springs for carbon dioxide baths. These have salutary effects on blood pressure regulation, the functioning of the heart, and the overall metabolism by properly setting the autonomic nervous system.
Furthermore, the effects of natural carbon dioxide on blood vessels when applied as a dry carbon bath or in the form of pneumo punctures (gas injections) are used. As a part of the complex approach to treatment, we recommend that patients adjust their diet and eventually lose weight. The spa treatment is complemented by appropriate physical activities, such as the currently popular Nordic Walking (walking with poles) and other measures for influencing the risk factors of atherosclerosis.
According to the results of numerous studies, it has been proven that quality cardio-rehabilitation in spas reduces the risk of another myocardial infarction or stroke, and significantly reduces the mortality of said diseases.

- States after myocardial infarction
- Hypertension
- Arterial disease of the extremities caused by atherosclerosis or inflammation
- States after thrombosis and thrombophlebitis with continuing consequences, no sooner than 3 months after the acute stage ending, post-op states for varicose veins, chronic lymphedema
- Functional disorders of the blood vessels
- Post-op states after heart defect surgeries (congenital or acquired through revascularisation surgery), states after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (coronary balloon catheter, usually with a stent)
- Post-op states after vascular system surgeries - reconstructive and revascularisation surgery
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- Carbon dioxide bath or carbon dioxide wrap
- Pneumo punctures (gas injections)
- Group / individual remedial exercise
- Exercising in the pool, including swimming
- Outdoor exercise using a cardiotachometer, or eventually Nordic Walking
- Reflexive massage - the chest series - as needed - light massaging of the precordium
- Underwater massage
- Whirlpool bath
- Paraffin packs
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- The combination and frequency of procedures is determined by the physician during the initial physical exam according to the current health of the patient.
- The treatment plan usually consists of 18 procedures per week that consist of main and accompanying procedures.
- The patient should undergo no more than one main procedure daily.
Accommodation in other hotels is possible, however, the treatment will take place under the supervision of specialists at the specialised workplaces, and you will need to commute to them.
Of course, spa therapeutic rehabilitation care has certain contraindications that can prevent treatment. You can find a detailed description of them here.
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